Grooving on Our Favorite Podcast Episodes of 2019
Too often, in our estimation, people make recommendations to us with the intent to improve our life but the effect on us is the opposite of that. Rather than completely engaging us, some recommendations or pieces of advice actually overpower any enthusiasm we might for following up. This is especially true when the recommendation is too big to get our heads around.
Casual comments like, “Oh, you should read that book,” or, “You should go to Malaysia,” or, “You should check out that podcast series,” are often too much for us to process. They’re all well-intended, and could be terrific recommendations, but thinking about starting a massive new book in an already jam-packed life can be the opposite of engaging: sometimes, it’s demotivating.
So in this Grooving Session, we use a behavioral science hack to START SMALL and we’re recommending our favorite podcast episodes (produced by other podcasters!) to our listeners. We think you’ll like these specific podcast episodes by some of our favorite hosts on some of our favorite topics. And because they’re itty-bitty single episodes, we hope you can start small and check some of them out in the links below.
Coming soon! We are launching a new podcast (a new channel in the podcaster’s vernacular) and it’s called Weekly Grooves. Weekly Grooves will be a weekly review of topical issues in the media during the week done through a behavioral science commentary. This will launch in late January 2020, and we hope you’ll check it out.
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As always, thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy lots of great episodes from other podcasters!
© 2020 Behavioral Grooves
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AIRDATE: January 12, 2020 EPISODE 108
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Grooving on Our Favorite Podcast Episodes of 2019
Featured Guest

Kurt & Tim
Happiness Lab: Laurie Santos, PhD. Make ‘Em Laugh.
Choiceology: Katy Milkman, PhD. Take the Deal.
Big Brains: Paul Rand. Why Talking to Strangers Will Make You Happier.
Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates: John Donvan. Is Social Media Good for Democracy?
The David Gilmour Podcast: David Gilmour. The Fender Stratocaster #0001.
Smart Drug Smarts: Jesse Lawler. Aphantasia with Dr. Joel Pearson
You Are Not So Smart: David McRaney. Pluralistic Ignorance: The psychology behind why people don’t speak out against, and even defend, norms they secretly despise.
Song Exploder: Hrishikesh Hirway. Sheryl Crow: Redemption Day.
O Behave: Ogilvy Consulting. Dollars and Sense.
Radio Lab: Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich. Smarty Plants.
Happiness Lab: Laurie Santos, PhD. The Unhappy Millionaire
The Knowledge Project: Shane Parrish. Neil Pasricha: Happy Habits
The Science of Success: Matt Bodner. Guest = Jonathan Haidt
Hustle and Flowchart Podcast: Matt Wolfe and Joe Fier. Therapy Session (153) – T&C, Podfest, Selling Shirts and Affiliate Marketing
Hidden Brain: Shanker Vedantam. Facts Aren’t Enough
Big Think Think Again: Jason Gotz. Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie: the cognitive segregation of America