
Want to Know How Priming Works? It Starts With Your Conscious, Not Your Unconscious | John Bargh

“The primary source of unconscious priming…is your conscious experience.” Our consciousness is where we bring everything together, where we integrate and form a rich integration of our experience. This result is that this experience gets spread out to all the processes of the mind which is pivotal to how priming, an unconscious effect, actually works.

The primary source of unconscious priming…is your conscious experience ~ John Bargh PhD, Episode 319 Share on X

John Bargh PhD is a researcher and professor at Yale University and is probably the leading researcher on behavioral priming and has been studying this topic for almost 40 years. Not only that but he is a long term friend of Behavioral Grooves Podcast.

In this episode with John, we explore with him both the past and future of priming as well as some of the controversies surrounding it.

The more important the goal, the more primable it is ~ John Bargh PhD, Episode 319 Share on X



(4:36) Welcome and speed round questions.

(7:50) Why priming gets a bad rap.

(13:01) What exactly is a prime?

(16:17) Where does future research in priming need to go?

(19:46) How does priming differ from expectation theory and the placebo effect?

(22:33) How is framing not priming?

(24:07) What is the summation of experience?

(32:02) The stupid reason John went into social psychology.

(40:51) What the meta analysis studies on priming have found.

(45:50) Science communication: how to tell the good science from the bad.

(49:03) The importance of podcasting to bridge the gap between science and people.

(1:00:03) Grooving session with Tim and Kurt on priming.

© 2022 Behavioral Grooves


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AIRDATE: September 19, 2022 EPISODE 319

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Want to Know How Priming Works? It Starts With Your Conscious, Not Your Unconscious | John Bargh